Thiere is an unverified rerort that the present 
stock of Mearns quail at .lne Top, Aris., was introluood 
by the early Mormon settlers. I am unable to vouioi for the 
correetness of this story and I am doubtful of it because 
the species o~eurs west of that point neturally. 
          All these instances will be run   own and -publish- 
e4 in more soecific form in the book on lame Management in 
the Southwest, on which I am now working toýether with J.S. 
Ligon and Dr. R. P. Pettit. of Albuquerque. We are glad, 
however, to supply you with the above tentative Information 
for your present purpose. 
          I was very glad to reoeiveyyour letter about the 
"lizratory bird situation and was much interested in your 
          With kindest regards, 
                                Very sincerely yours, 
                                      ALDO I   OLD 