The first "ems to be the creation of publi shoeting
public fishing grounds.  bhe former are found in mn iatete.  Imnectiout hae

initiated the latter with ,onsiderabls saeesa, 
                   The seeond eours  is a oeaatant pregra of edwstion w 
sports   , desiged to mke thaem more oonaidarate of the land owner. This
be eoupled with a toverent to assist the lad owner in proseuting van4a-$sm

mg hunters and fishermen. The purpose of the seem on ourse would be to reate

a better feelinr betwm sportsmen and lAnd owners, thud haltiag any incree
posted lard. 
                   The third aourao i , to enjourage the ladn one r to Pst
direct   namneial return in the wft' ofe, fee for the use of hi, lad by hunters
ftsh   n. This is a n)w thou~ht in the United States, but en. whch Is gaining

weight, although it will -ot bitter a'poeition from lArge n~ixbere of sportsen.

PNoas n. brietf explanation will be neosasary, 
                    Toe so-alled Amsri3aa ayqtei o*f fr-o shooting Is entirely

differevt from the Trnpean. Tn thiV cý!omtry title to all l3ee.1,
gae, fur bearln   aaiula and fish r-st. in the itste in vhich it 1s found
it is legally redueed to poessi n by the a:ortsmn, tra.pors, etW. Titla to

migrtory gane ij vested in the medera1 o-:rrn-mnt antil 1o~ll ridied to possessiou.

In other words, no ltnd holAer ovri the t e or fAh on hi; property unlesa
it is 
atiflaly raised end kept in fenee by Apesial permit. He can, houevr, poet
property against huntin¶ and flen     1, which creataa an a  lolous
                    I h rope title to      pne    with ih, land but since
 of tho land in ¶iropean ountries is owod In large blocks, by wealthy
estates which 
 lease himtin, privilene nd   io  do not pernit tredpacu the Man of ordinaey

 ' gets no ohance to fish     d hqut. 
                    It na be that in ths o ountry we halhl be forced to invent
 sytem somewhere between the two extrenos. *The t   r2 e nt would, of course,

 be very meh intered i.    *   auch plan.