Mr. Aldo Leopold 
          Have 3 men mapping again in the deer yards and trying to find yards

which are really important, due to remain or increase in importance, and
jeopardy, as from heavy pulp and cedar cuttings - i.e., where somebody really

should be "doing something." That sort of yard seems scarce.  
Only one such 
found to date. 
                                 . * . . .  * 
          We are reorganizing. Andrews has quit to take over the West Coast

timber inventory for the 7. S. and his going leaves a horrid hole in the
ment. Andrews was reorganizing our Lands Division as well as running Fire.

Now I am supposed to straddle Game, Fire, and Lands.  It will be interesting,

no doubt, and there is a very exceptional chance to do something with Lands
          Ruhl is to take over the desk in Game, and to get a new man to
in on fur-farms, etc. 
          We are proliferating more and more rapidly, I think, and are getting

settled down into something like a proper angle and gait, but it is very
1910 in the Forest Service - and we're due to have a more or less painful
ing period for some years yet. But we certainly have the makings to work
and on, right now, so I expect to keep plenty busy and amused. 
          How's things? 
                                                 Yours very truly, 
                                                   P. S. /ovejoy 
PSL:CH                                             Game Division 
January )4, 1930 