      The vast amount of forest lands are a primary resource in the recreation

base of Oconto County. With 338,052 acres of land devoted to forest, 
61.2 per cent of the land is devoted to this type of land use. Of this vast

forest area, 136,522 acres are in federal ownership; 760 acres are in state

ownership; and 41,000 acres are owned by the county. In addition, 240 acres

of forest are owned by schools and 4-H clubs within the county. Finally,

159,530 acres of forest lands are in private ownership. 
      Sixty per cent of the land is open to the hunting of deer, grouse,

rabbits, pheasants, and waterfowl. Hunting is a major recreation activity

in Oconto County as shown by the number of hunting licenses sold in the county

in 1961. 
           1. Resident small game ------------------ 2,076 
           2. Resident deer ----------------------- 2,085 
           3. Volunteer sportsmen's license --------- 1,979 
           4. Trapping --------------------------------- 37 
           5. Trap tags ---------------------------3,994 
      The county has a number of recreation areas and facilities which are

a primary part of the over-all recreation base. Within its boundaries are

four township parks - one small private park, plus several private game 
management areas which are operated by clubs and civic groups. The county

operates seven parks and recreation areas.' Uhe State of Wisconsin manages

four large wildlife areas for the preservation of game and fish, and nine

waysides along the major highway routes. Federal recreation development is

extensive and includes about 1/5 of the county land-use area. 
                         County Forest Crop Lands 
      The county forest crop lands in Oconto County total 40,843.52 acres.

This represents a sizeable amount of land which is under direct county control

for recreation development and timber harvest. Found within the county forest

crop lands are two recreation areas; 13 lakes, which total 97 acres; and

21.46 miles of good fishing streams. 
      Several major timber types are harvested on the forest crop lands.
order of importance, they are: aspen, swamp hardwoods, jack pine, Norway
and cedar. 
                           Recreation Potential 
      Oconto County is fortunate to be so located as to have the advantage
access to the greatest water resource in the midwest - the Great Lakes. Such

a recreation resource is invaluable in determining the over-all recreation

potential of the county. This, coupled with the other resources of lands,

waters, and forests, provides Oconto County with an excellent outdoor recreation
