Copy to Mr. Olin 
Mr. A. iE. Andrews 
he Indiaa Faniers' guide 
itt Itton, Indianr 
       I a endinpr you the new Io" '1dbook on te anĂ½c      et.
you will see on readihp it, it is written for fannera and soort~ien, 
and Oeal solely with what to do to land to uace it productive of Tame. 
       It ocutrs to me tht th'  ftre e     nsion of such venture- as 
the -{untinftOn Area would be aided by a similar hardboh for In-Cliaa, 
backed either bi the authority of the     icltal Colle.e, or the 
auwices of your paper. 
       In either event, do you see any chance of   arin- u    L fnds to 
carry enow'h of my time to execte ac a ventre?      As y   ]now, I have 
hun out my shiwfle for th t Thind of wor.    The famliarity I gained 
eith your st-te in my ('me 3rvey, the eerieneeo 'ou h yve 
accu  lated at   Iti~ton, ourht to me it a rather short Job. 
       HIow is your scre? I fell down, as usual, hrin' the state 
tournament, but a  now bar to norl.     I ho-e to -o after deer in 
                             Yours sincerely, 
                                       AL )O I OY)LP 
P .S. I haven't mentioned& this to inyone else in voner state, pendinT
opinion of the mtter. 
,.L/ vh 