Copy to: 
Mr. Aldo Leopold 
Soils Building, College of Agric. 
Madison, Wisconsin 
Dear Leopold: 
     This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of August 17. 
UniT. of Wyoming                                August 24, 1954 
,S. R. Look*, ConservatIon Director, 
    Izaak Walton League 
S       322 North Bank Drive, 
             Chiosgo, Illinois, 
Dear Barry: 
       Referanee is made to your letter of August II. I hevO 
also received t*. Leopoldt' letter of August 17 relative to the 
same subject. 
       I wish t6 assure you that I am thoroughly in sympathy 
with the needs for the soientific study of the sage hen. I 
would also be very glad to cooperate with the University of Wyo- 
ming in the undertaking. There is some doubt, however, that any 
of our funds might be available for this purpose owing to pree- 
tioally all our balances having been allocated to going projects. 
Before I can say definitely, I should like to have a little more 
information on the cheoreter nnd scope of the proposed study, the 
estimated time It would require and the probable cost to us of 
the cooperation. If we entered into such a cooperation we would 
want to be consulted on the preparation of the plan and execution 
of the work, I should like also to have your susgestions as to 
the hOhaoter of study that should be undertoken. 
       Upon receipt o" this Information I will be glad to consider 
the matter further and see if it will be possible for us to squeeze 
out mom money to assist in the undertanng. 
       A copy of this letter is beinn sent to Mr. Leopold, 
                          Very Pincerely yours, 
                          0. L. FO SLING 