Marh 26s 1930 
V r. P.  iS. L J o 
Deparmet of Qons~rmti.S 
              I did not undertand you tufte proposition. 
wesmbered that it bad best u~4 ina the scrab oak country south 
of Grand 3.44. and it was that country that I -w talking about, 
although I have nevr *a it end bonc my *ooetton* ma have 
'been besid the point. 
              I wul hae o conidec      in a twksy planting pro. 
Jest in the agriculturl belt unless the ainps are vor large, of 
suitable qulity, and unde  intensive *tat* patrol* if not ownership. 
Uneraus     ~onditi~ons It m1ot be posesible to ostablimb som  turkys 
to look at, but hardly Onug  to shoot at unloo the *tmps are very 
mob large   tma I iaie 
             My Missouri report my give you an i4ea of the maim 
  Inerpesina of farn land* *hih turkys seoo to ondu" in that state.

The repot aontaia~s not only a distribution map of turkys, but agri. 
oultural maps of various kind.  This ropowt will be read in a few 
wolk san  If yc; want me to *an you a copy,, let me know right aver 
because all the copies will be extremly VW~ for time 4o com. 
             Missouri trie both purowil4 en balt-uil4 planting 
-tok Ito latter obt&w     1w wil gobblers ouat of to bss, The 
two kinds uese not bande or gegahial      seaae, n         a 
*427l unable to untangle any positive eviene as to relative value. 
There is a wids~pread imupressio that the halft.wil *took was Infer. 
             As to food crops for the scral oak conty  Ido not 
know the soil but I aas*= it is san4. If sol I suppoe bcwha 
would be the orop, but as you wq, it would have to be stacked in 
order to become available during snow Thre would be no difficulty 
&'bout the birds opening the staoks. 'Ohthor awh to" patches$ it

necessary with fewtilisor, would be mor expnsive tha  straight 
importation# to. austio wbiob the zprowiet m$ht answer to the 
satisfaction of the PeblI*.