                Translation of terms ( legend ) on page     9. 
      TaxcauvoHinoe OHjcjame a    tOHiTOpoGpa ... Ddesription  and 
               .bonitets. ( value indexes ).    of lot No-i ( a bad one )

               .    r Trees        Spruce-8.Birch- 1. Poplar-i. 
                   =9       --                      - o la -1 
                   - Sr~udh" ,   T - "Wfl o'f :-5- "de  -".
               ipdb *.--rasses - pasture. 
               1I. Ratio of D   I0     Totaj   a under trees ' brush 
                                       A00   2 UU meters. 
                 areas           1" IUper cent of covering 
                 -----------------------   ---------------------- 
                 II~s~ nts --above  water  level= Pniragmn-9__ . . (3oir
 &  Typtia  ).-i 
                        -.......'........(. F'am; s'''''r'(''~'' 
                 f O ------e-oM  -H-- - .-.'.  Briefly  (  by  sumbols  ).

              -------------- ---------------- --------------- -------------

              If.  Ration of useful areas       H".- 800 squ. meters

                  of cover & submerged plantsl'     -1:0 .. s'qu.' 'met-r's.'

                  ---------------------------- ---------------- ---------------

              Y.. Thickness of ( Phragm -, fair A-*.i-- (f). 
                  covering by jitmSeirpus smakl.---.--  (s) 
            cover plants :        ypha    smal 
                 ----- ----------------------------- 
              (-a. the same Ldr submerged 
                   plants                smallgeven negligable 
              "[I. Potential 
              useful area,,yet   160  x 50  8000 squ. meters. 
              not covered 
........- - 
          iII.Per cent of utilization 
                    of litlUseful areas (  & [I' ) 
              of litor--l zo--e :      .---------------------------- 
                     orl o-if A'Ir "u'srT u71- "po'te'ft'r affrda
               -------------------- --------------- --------------- --------


               II . Limnology deicription of the late      ( see chapter
               X. Value indexes (.bonitets "41 Russian ) 
               Fooi        Cover    Nesting &  Safety 
               conition   conditions   conditions 
               good . btsas ainm plan Phramifea. 
               ý.over - limitedI strip of cove  plants (.-. m wide

                   9-- %o g@@# place for that. 
                   -- fishermen are often seen.' 
    PAGE -- 0.- Lot No.- Z is an excellent wild fowl feefinq;4oover 
                  ;P*ftMa*MM ground (.5,5) and fair ,as nesting 
                  Place    3j