    AperoXiv-ely  413,00C birdW are fed pe* day duriný the 
s7ason an omly about IZ% of thn nutcr fed in on. day 0   re 
    Ahootinr pretioes are with a few eocetion     goS, shoot .n. 
does not 6  L befree eit ai a-OPat tour or eartA  er  Oand 
1ar:e flocks ire not shot into aL th    better privaite  4   omýr-

eaIL clubs. 2ihere ave n     'rou7 "Aujes by sm-di outlaw5 pao es, 
and poac"ehy. NighE shtotix    and pottinP is prevalent in soYe 
of 1: fiWd "    i e, a tho tae nu0 0r i4Uj sv nJaw . 
    Auzanof 01 i SMA i"%jy A  t.t6g05d O  ' n   Macl~ tLhe Shoot in

time fron saven to four in fea ar oi 0-un rieo to four for the 
cuu~try 3j a Whole. 
   0o0   cao z&:rion bets  en UL     nd federal ofMfcers And 
strIcte, law enforcement is nueeesta4  .