This, however, does not bar the possibility of producing 
reprints since we have had several Jobs done locally through 
a copying process at less cost than straight reprints. 
We have been getting along with a very much reduced force 
there being just five of us here in the office. Have been 
catching up on considerable amount of unpaid current bills 
beginning April 1. We have made a considerable gain on those 
and will be in a better position to give service back to the 
chapters and in supporting the national program as time goes 
There beems to be a check in our membership losses and there 
is very universal and a most excellent spirit of courage and 
desire to maintain League activities. 
It is improbable that I will be able to attend the Central 
States Forestyry meeting. The International Association and 
American Fd   4ry-ý-ociety have a meeting at Cblumbus from 
Sept. 18 to 22 and there is a 6tate League meeting in 
Pennsylvania on the 23rd which I hope to attend. 
I hope you will be down some day at any rate and we can discuss 
any matters of mutual interest. 
os U/&o, 
Conservation Director*