Igw Solla id1in 
                                     Fabmuiaay 13, 1934 
Harrison Lewis 
Chief 'e7eral 1ýitory M1rT 
Officer Ontario & ýjebec 
Dpswaant of the Interwior 
Dear Mr, Har-irlon: 
I ia var , m ehpblý "-q to yo- for 1(etibi  ma coo D" Baents

3aleolaal rthios". I have red this Mith intense ineest. 
It is clearly a verw sbstantial piece of thinldn, and I 
am writiw, him to see if I c&u get a copy for ra own use, 
I am hopping that you, yourself will . another contribution 
to this mibjeot before lon. 
With beet regnr