Wautoma, Wisconsin 
                                           December 16, 1940 
Guy Mumbrue, 
Waupaca, Wis, 
Friend Guy: 
             Replying to your letter of the 13th, relating to the 
final nesting of Passenger Pigeons in this locality. 
             I regret that our files for March and April, 1892, were 
destroyed in the fire of 1923, 
             In talking with Dr. Sohorger at Madison two years ago, 
it was my understanding that the last known nesting was made here 
in 1887. A thorough search of all newspaper files at Madison was 
made under his direction, which revealed the story of the Great 
Nesting of 1871. 
             I do not have my 1892 notes at hand, but do not recall 
any mention of pigeons in this locality after 1887, The Argus, on 
May 27, 1887, stated: 
             "A number of professionals have been netting pigeons in

this vicinity for a week past. The pigeons that are nesting north- 
east of this village, it is said, started to nest near Sparta, but 
were driven out by the hunters." 
             The issue of June 3, 1887, stated: 
             "Several more professional pigeon hunters arrived here

the latter part of the week. The pigeons that were nesting in the 
swamp north of this village have nearly all left, presumably being 
scared out by being shot at on the nesting ground. Most of the pro- 
fessional netters have also left. They did not make a very large 
catch here." 
             If the reference in the November bulletin of the Conser- 
vation Commission should read "1892" instead of "18820, it
would be 
well to write Dr. A. W. Schorger, c/o Burgess Battery  o. Madison, 
for confirmation. His note on the cougar killed in Bloomield in 
1886, 1 found, he had erroneously recorded as of 1856. 
                                   Cordially yours, 
                                      /a/ HO J. KeP 
Copied                                         H. J. Kent 