424i Univerity taim flae*

Mr. Phitl Goodrm 
sn.o, Fish ad Oyster Ceienssion 
Austin, Toea 
Dear lbilt 
     I an seai m    personal data memor-anu to the following ind4ividu 
whom? oonsider to be xellent material for your propoed poeitions. In 
each  ame I a givig yao & short esketc   for yor adace InforAtion. 
     1#     Wt*, Minaesota ($oil Conservtion Service). 
You    l  ot got      le for $1,00 plao, but it oo   rred to   that 
you migt have doubtful material In your more advanced posittioa aMn  m  
wish to make a rea tment. Kaveller has been in oharge of a lare 
Resettlemet project in northern Minnesota for about four years and has 4eae

an excellent job frao both the pctical an    research standointe. He has

ublished   tensively on the caribou riant in that reion, and is n 
p   a-ngi a ..msewipt on the std of sh&ptail gruse whih wu         rn
Lo  1n's study on the prairie chisek. Ne happens to be withaot a Job be 
osas* his projec.t is losing taken overy the state mnd, the *tate has no
I rate him extra hig as a field an &ad as a feful orgsnz       of large

fi old undertakngs. 
     Xbton Dossr    Churc  Street, Vare tertown, Wisconsin. 15ewis took 
his                 in botany here a year ago. Xe Is one of the bet 
ornithologists in Wisconsin, has a very good oharacter and persoality, and

I regard him as an  ellent prospect. Re Is at present doiqng adietrativio

work for the WA at ft   Imter, Wiesnsina. 
         R~aft14 !  W9 l322 Joesphine Street, Jazoeville, Wisconin. 
Smith worke  whn   throg   t his under  dte period   ere, reeiving A 
bachelor's degree last  ra, bat 2 wsunable to tk his on as a 
graduate student beoase of my fixed limitation of five men. In pactieca 
field train   he is wih bette than the avere wildlift with a msr 
degree. Re has a foreful personaity an is .f the exmtivs rather than 
the research typs. I think Res i ows his. Icidentally, he is the bt 
bird sinner I ever saw and has a geus for uoebazisul trioks of all      
Uo you bae.      -*~ If" smattrs In wid    ZTshmnaisentat   &anld,

came here to got a doctorate bat did not mke the gde becase amo         ws

of his eemittee doubte his ability to      original seitifie tin. 
In your position, however, you have no need of     sa qualities, as bis 
failure to got a dotomte ses to me irreleat. Re Invariabl hsa his 
gradee in all his core wok and alws executed assignme     t with great