File: Buffalo

Extract from Journal of Mamnlaloa. Aiwust 1930. General Notes, p. 320. 
         During June, 1929, Judge Robert Sawyer, of Bend, Oregon, accompanied

me on an expedition into south-central Oregon, primarily for the purpose
seeing the herds of antelope ranging in that district. On June 14, while
was otherwise en    d, Judige Sawyer investigated the site of Old Fort Tarner,
was established as a military station on July 15, 1566, and abandoned Sept.
1s67, thus being ocaapied about fourteen months by soldiers operating against

hostile Indians in that region. 
         The location is about twenty miles east of Warner Valley, Lake County,

Oregon, and at an altitude of approximately 6,500 feet. 
         Daring Judge Sawyer's investigations, he found, ýuon, other
a four-inch frLagent of the upper end of a rib bone, which upon being submitted

to the Biologicta Survey, was identified as "a four-inch section of
the upper 
end of the sixth rib from the back or eighth rib from the front on the left-hand

side of a medium-sized bull buffalo" (Bison bison bison).  :he %pecimen
is now 
deposited in the Natioa !!sm     collection to sustantiate the record, 
         The following statement from Ju-1de Sawyer describes the find-in
of this 
interesting record: 
         "IThe bone about which you ask me was found in one of the fire
which I excavated. As I rei-embr it was about two feet below the surface.

Apparently, when tis ecap was abandoned, Its occtxpants threw into the fireplaces

all sorts of waste mterial. I found an ink bottle, a psrfuaery bottle, broken

wine bottles, and manv pairs of heavy boots with the leather badly rotted.

It was in one of these collections of material that I came upon the bone
--STANLET G. JEWETT, Portland, Oregon.