M4arsh XIf w 
Short -bill4 n 14,rsh --ra 
  Anoioýn iýýtemr 
Smr IY.i1 
&ihill Ome 
Wils-oor Sni-O 
       -he lake btrdsrA all hiap-'awp hk-rK oxen-t wnreope watAer 
       nrovl4os fon4 or the vqgtat ion    r-ffers --t~  ver. 
            @Ilayf) thm -ý-o4a  SV,.M)5 Often IRetali Onq a'ter  in
         the wtrbtr~s ohacereto        a!lln-w vat-,r (Sect 7) 
         re n    tr- f,)r th;e ml1, -iroqnnt I.ri-A small  -r,3~. Other-

         0.l -m1-ts iAnolqde 
(4-' a   ife saf r tpIii cotton preasis rmir --tm inf =_9 
  (orp-ibew) vhiieh o-ffe'r niches ftor the- rollov.t 
Short-bllled I?4aw*o Wren 
7orth m. Yell ow-throa-t 
Sinp Spw 
WhIt,4hroat.& Spaov 
(6)  Zjjgý     (inclai1inc bor, birch aMn- red o-zir dgod)rei-ro-

  sent snnther vtan *n thn toeao  tovar4 th.        Zvwii Thes aw 
  the younger trees Nf tho) incroahiig 4oc'dAuems fow.) t seýrve no

  h;abitats; Tor: 
Iler Fyca-tcher 
Yeary or  Tilw'hrush 
Ohestnat-sVAed -,'wbIrs 
RaSwtngn _ýli~kt 
(7 AtU7. D2 i11,jjow  ?Tmzb=  (retl  ugar ma-le      -,io birch~ ana bass-,

vood) wa~q foun4 lon    the- 'Iv)atbi t-, contain the follorwi,: 
VW4 .) Owe 
    Yeey C? 4lowThirehj 
Soarlet Toio 
"l'e4d.4 Vire 
east WlyeýAthnr 
(Sow~ S1*?yo, in Ibnish 
   t.1oVP riv-r ndg.) 
eetn the Tore a@                  nl, ans')hý hn thee are 15  
fee~t tMll, they a¶~rto attract A raýthe~r dlifenrat wopof brIw-_z-

     Ca~4a Warbler 
  fla~i& ~rbl1ew4 
7!.Tvme*tL -etWrbInr 
  !laahv l, arbler 
-41Atr-thrnvtod Siiar 
Vh1nj irc*111ov ~Thtuowo 
                (,h ove  this ch ctebrlqttlo '¶tnxtnooItion of 
MrdsAth lffrpmn eoano,-tcal rantilroei~etni