From the Salt Lake Tribung',we--quote- the following:. 
      "A record of producing pheasants at a cost less than one 
dollar per bird is claimed for the state fish and game department 
to date this year. 
      Utah's fish and game hatchery at Springville has turned over 
to the state 7490 pheasants at a cost of less than $7000, accord- 
ing to the report of J. Arthur Mecham, state fish and game commis- 
sioner, This achievement, Mecham claims, is unequaled in the coun- 
try. Last year Massachusetts boasted of producing the birds at a 
cost of $2.97 each. When 1930 ends, Mecham declares, the cost per 
bird in Utah will not reach one dollar, and may go even as low as 
75 cents. 
      Of the total raised to date, 6840 have been distributed for 
planting on state lands, 650 birds remaining to be disposed of, 
William Witney, supervisor of the state fish and game hatchery re- 
ports.   In addition to the latter number, 550 pheasant hens are 
retained at the hatchery for egg production, and, according to 
Witney's report, each hen is good for an average of 41 eggs a year. 
The laying season of the birds extends over a long period."