8. Drawing Dogs for Running -Absent 
Dogs. - Dogs shall be drawn by lot and 
numbered in the order drawn. Each dog 
shall run in the first series as a brace with 
the next available dog in that order. After 
the first series has been run through, the 
judges shall announce which dogs they wish 
to see run again and the order of running 
them, and the judges shall have the power 
of calling up and running again any dog 
or dogs, irrespective of previous announce- 
ments. Discretion is given the judges to 
run the dogs as often and in whatever or- 
der they wish, until they are satisfied which 
are the best dogs; but they may announce 
in writing to the Secretary the winners any 
time after the first series. Any dog absent 
during any series for more than ten minutes 
after his number is called shall be disquali- 
fied from further competition, unless, for 
good cause, the judges otherwise determine. 
  9. Notice of Commencement of Trials. 
Immediately before the dogs are drawn at 
any meeting the time and place of putting 
down the first brace shall be announced and 
posted in a conspicuous place. 
  10. Order of Program.-All stakes shall 
be run in order printed. 
  11. Dogs Owned by the Same Person.- 
If two dogs owned or handled by the same 
person should come together in any series, 
the second dog, so owned or handled, shall 
change places with the first dog not so 
owned or handled. This change shall be 
effected in the order of running if possible; 
if not possible, then in the reverse order of 
running. If such separation is found to be 
impracticable, or without benefit, the run- 
ning together of two such dogs may be per- 