decided wilder and far more suspicious than any other strain encountered

during the course of the entire survey, as for appearanc-, they out- 
classed everything and seeimed to be of a quite uniform type and no 
evidence of infusion of domestic blood, this bein:T the o'nly area where

we found this condition. It was hero that we also found thne ivory billed

woodpeckers, swallow*&t& , wshite tail and hllississsipji kite as
well as 
the Carolina paraouet. While Stoddard, Pirnie and I are not yet in full 
agreement on tb> ultra superiorit'r of this strain, I maintain that Jit

is only because they- hnve not yTet seen these birds, 
         Second genrntion captive roared birds of this strain are just 
ss nervous and suspicious as the wrild -r n-e birds thouh of course 
have a de gree of confidence in their keeper through continous associa- 
tion since the time they were first hatched. They are almost as shy of 
a stranger as a wild range bird. 
         The Biological Survey is getting Bulls Island in shape under 
Stoddards supervision to maintain a flock of this strain under natural 
conditions to assure their perpetuation and I have agreed to stock the 
island for them jt.,st as soon as they have it ready. 
          I also hope to be able to set up sorie kind of an organization

by which these turkears - T be supplied to state game departrients and 
other agencies interested in restoration of the old original type pro- 
colonial eastern wild turkey. The same can b. done For the intermedia 
and Rio ýrqnde as well as thi- merriaii, since pure blood stock of
of thesa is likely obtsainble. I hope to st lian.-1,l to h9ndle this. 
          The Audubon Socierty 1W E taktan n, in leuse on t Santee area 
end have emxolo-ed Warr_'n Slao  (ke Id "Lis c )o- to look out for their

interests tYere¾. BOtIthe-e rl  ,,ort ed with - e ind, they really
know that 
S Wamp. 
          For you~r infowmation, I have devoted practically rr, full time

since childhood to the studOy of fish and game restoration problems, have

had about ten seasons fish cultural experience, over twelve with game, 
about ten full years actual field study. Have for years advocated im- 
provement of natural food and cover conditions n the field and -ame 
management against wholesale propagation of confinement bred game and fish

yet realize the desirability of having available such a supply available

when needed for restocking depleted areas that should support game, hence

my endeavors to breed in confinement the various species considered im- 
possible by the commercial breeder. I have also bred ouite a variety of 
wild wraterfowrl. If I did not feel confident that i could make good, I 
would not consider seeking this appointment. 
            Trusting that you will favor me by reco- xendin' me for this

appointment, if called upon, assuring you that I shall always be glad, 
to cooperate in every ossibl way, i ber to remain, 
ua ke  rlo od, 
  Cuinberland, Md. 
Yours verv trulvI 
              Geo. B. Vl'alara]