Mr.LR.L. Prry 
Box 1219 
Sata Fe, No- Mexico 
Dear M~gart 
      It is of amirse superflwis 
revival of the Pine Conie and t~ti 
to r~ former eonneation 71th It. 
in~ this ventrsx. 
to w that I welcome th 
I anpreoiate the refereces 
I1i~ 77o11 7al 111xi WoOf lU*I 
      Ligon tells m that yn., re t4    of nublishi  his 
southwestern life histories. Ths I thlrL woullý be -an exl0eelt 
Idea.   97is   s     did nt begin to tai the rin-t of alu- 
able !antrial which he has wwmzlated, and   I aeeds to be 
  h-de n to the -mblic and other 3tateq. 
      With best regads. 
Yo-ars as wev-r,, 
Jý11Y 9. 1931