0 fcont.)V 
  p. 457    ,lementz: Beobacht   sen uber Auer-un Birkwil& Im 
  p. 458    'esrip tion of forest - pine and biroh, thiok anderwoo4. 
            "1~illy Psnd, Olay sand-soil 
  p.463     Auerwild not so frequent as llirkwild. -qWl proportion 
            of cooks and liens. Reason: wolves qnd other animls 
            easily sttaok sittinC hens. 
  p.73      ¥om der letste Hhnenblz, 
     .738   Pine woodS, not well kept.  em and grass. 
  p. 1      fren Toleken: Die Jaed und der 'Aldstand Tivlsnds. 
  p. 8      P uerwild found in extensive woods with wrshes - on 
            ross etrales ourrounded by fields - needs forest, if 
            rossible, old and mixed. 
  p. 9      Three methods of hunting 
            Cook almost always on pine-treos - diffioultioe in mnrshes. 
  p. 10     Auerwild bee deoreased throeh disturbno@. Cultus the 
            greatest enemy. 
  p. 459    Tie Bal~zeit in der Aeriwld-7olonie ou -rainburg.terzer 
            (tame birds) 
            ood same as wild birds, viz. berries, snts-eg-s, twigs, 
            beetles, worrs, -rnsel-oppers. ' lso eat mush theat they 
            do not know in wild stste vii. wheet, millet, salads, 
  p. 464     'Pme birds love no vermin in oontrmet to wild birds. 
  p. 33 3t seq. uerho..  uM -iirkvtild neben intensiver WsldwirtaO1.ft. 
                Leotof 1-5sI Vervafhlang des b"1   obshn 7?oRstver 1hl.

      34    P roblem di eso d: In how    r is number of !uer and 
            p34robl4      ;Me   intensive forestry?  Can these birds 
            be preserved in forests that are properly kept? 
            Speaker admits tbst decrease Ty be due to diesppea re noe 
            of old trees and culture of open speces. 'lot true tI~t 
            bre-ding-plaoe must be mrshy and uncultivated. Birds 
            will renin where living oonditione fbvourqble. (ften 
            o1n~e b~eeding-plSe.5   Instences reuiction in one praoe