7ew7 soilg 911,-. 
                                              Ti e 12, 1934 
Dr. R. L. Webster 
State Colle7  of Wa~iington 
Pul~lman, Waaju,--ton 
Dear Dr. Websters 
          I have never met Spiker, bqit I have fbllowed all 
of his publictions and heard a good ded about him from his 
formor profeesor, T. C. Stephens of Morningside  o1lege, 
Sioux City, Iowa. Me general tren of this rter secnty 
information is tat Spiker it primarily an ornithologist with 
th ornithologlet's point of view,and probably a good field 
naturalist. On the question of whether he could teach or 
help formulate policy for sportsmen, I have no information 
whatever. You mipit fet a ratij- from Dr. Stephens. 
                            Yours sincerely, 
                               In Charge, Ga   Ueerah