222 North Bank Drive 
             Chicago, Illinois 
             August    , 1934 
 MVr 0. Le Flesling, Direotor 
 lnte~rm  tau Foreq% and Range 
 4xperiment Station 
 Ogde# Utah 
 boar Forsliug a 
      Thank you for your letter of August u, Both 
 Leopol tnd mselt f hV   had some corr 
 with Mr. G3irard eOO*niag his sae grouse wvs 
 but sin   this In bisg developed under ths super. 
 vlsion of D. John i. 8eett of th. University of 
 #7smingt who at the present time is 4ding so" work 
 for Fre4 Foster in the Yellowstone, we are asking 
 Dr. 8oett to give you the speciflo Information yue 
      For your intfrmation, I & eclsing copy ot a 
 letter recenty receive4 from Mr. Girar. Leeopd1 4M 
 yself have beth emphasized the desirability of 
 appreaehing Ibis problem from a setandpoit of aangs- 
 &eat aMd ecology rather than a bieloe;I.ul stuy. Much 
 of the Information which Is given on Girarte outline 
 is, of oorse, basio but       ation of $imedia e valus 
 to maeaget ma    be obi      an the study Puogr~ssos 
 Oe Item of this econerns his reforosos to the relation- 
 shIV between sage grouse and ground squirrel** I1 would 
 certainly be most destrable if Air. ira  In to carry 
 eoa study of this kin  to brftda its scope so that 
 it could cover more   sses of ths problu itsolf and 
eztsn4 ever a greater proportion of the sage grwase 
     With personal regards and best wishes, 
                        Q-Leervati,. Direetor 