Butler Apts*, 
                                                      Columbia, go. 
 Mr. Aldo Leopold; 
 Dear Bl; 
         Inclosed you will find a copy of a project that I am sub- 
mitting for your criticism. This project is to be used, If possible, 
by a member of the Central high school In Cape Girardeaut Mo., this 
fall. Before I submit it to the teacher in charge, I should like to 
have your reaction to its construction and subject matter, as well 
as to its purpose. If you have any criticisms or suggestiols to make, 
I shall be very glad to have them. 
         May I ask that you read and return the cpy as soon as you 
have read it, with your comments, as I wish to place it in the hands 
of the Instructor within a short time. 
         I shall be appreciative of your trouble in this matter. 
                           Very truly yours, 
We. 0. Nagel*