DIwdoi% nlLep 
   Bruemvics L'atin 
All * I am b tat 13,~ 1931.o ~e~~ 
work in Sa   ng-et is iprt-nt vd I know tht th lb 
which in                         y is aX he Spm i 
is a -asun t   in              ties of som of 
the rmwort I will try to  k our positioncs", o1 A.Ytt of all a ý,ors

   acrlaet an  finished produt but is 
the U.dlamect is ohih he rUtatv2er'ybo 
Ls hunting tb-at toetemntigt 
nr~l is you lette  s tating thatyud 
      not;-me tat unin ws arato i poduin eral 41 ryo 
    Priro hikes n ,.soosn a h r xtmc of suc adiegnen 
oinion fro twm equal geod sources indiinert. the nee of research an 
tht point* Our report des not stat. that hunting in Q& cas ofth 
nsaretionirts thoubut the state 
a a vr vvid pietu      whish yeu 
ring the hunting season* the mehos 
on the birseta* This nn    similv 
evr sectien of the pririe chia*" 
country)~ covise  us that  h   enin ha had n of eaon the Jeal1n in 
numbOws of the prairie chickenin   Wi .3r~cnis  as Pa whole as wrell a, locally*

  1Wwas the seases cloed. in 1l29-3   if hunting has no-  fatest ons the
,.he. ba  ter  been ash a quic   oebac    since the seasos has been clove0?

In saw-rhiug for an explantionI haew been unble toreoclthsndn 
adusctme alone to fatorswhc      xcoerdAtpulyyli 
fluctuationa. Indeed this wble subj ect to a m- tter for isvouiaio      u

no investigation is needed to reval th atta utn a  ena 
factor in the decline of t) 
are em abundant on th r 
               =not cur that paractes an tiseases are im-eotat is 
cyclicfluctuations of the prairie chicken  Tlt is yet to be detaemis.G 
  Teehas boon no control of" hunitng of the krind yu awuet is 'ýseonnis

  uness I luew been rdun1Eformsd* I hv~e tried to saetefrasts nt as 
in conducted in 
when the birds 
depend on diseases