trained game man. I submit this thought largely because I 
think we will only make game progress when some organization - 
speaking for the West - takes the lead in getting at the out- 
lines of study for the various locations or states. I do not 
think it can be brought about by universities that have not 
anactive game management study department. I think the 
outline - as to what constitutes game management problems - 
will have to come from the outside or they will be smothered 
under factional interests and the iponey dissipated into thin 
air. It is hard on some departments of instruction to feel 
that they only fit in in a relative sense to what really con- 
stitutes the game problem and that these, in order to even 
fit in, are going to have to purge themselves of outside in- 
fluences that bias their work and findings. As an illustration, 
it would be unwise to give funds to a university zoological de- 
partment whose intelligence is dictated by the need to pander to 
wealthy,, non-hunting, predator-protecting groups, or others, 
such as stock-growers. 
      In short, to make progress, we must have facts, and these 
can only be obtained by the assistance of a group whose sole 
interests are more game, This group will have to effect the 
organization necessary to get these faots and further, to see 
that they are given proper recognition and suitable publicity 
with a view to obtaining the support of public opinion. 
These facts can not be got by attaches of universities having no 
game management department or even Federal biologists whom 
spend "one day out of the week in the field" and whom, as 
Reddington put it to one of them in a southwestern university, 
"I see no reason why you cantt spend six days per week in the 
      I am sure, that in the East, you all feel that game prog- 
ress is being made, but this is a big land. The entire western 
states have been my "stamping ground" - in game interests - 
for the past seven years. Out here the trail of game progress 
is beset with pitfalls and snares, set by an endless list of 
conflictional interests; they are well intrenched, their 
pathological influence is deep-seated, or any way you wish to 
put it. I am not so sure, but that the only way Westerners 
will ever make game progress; will be to tear the lid off, 
dynamite the contents and make a new constructive start amid 
the debris. 
                               Yours sincerely, 
H. H. MacDonald