Mr. S. B. Locke 
Inte(-ountaln Forest ',ertment Station 
Ogden, Utah 
Dear loclke 
       I think your point about the recognition of wild life 
values in the plan for the public domlin ie ver 'ell t- e. In 
a way Bill Greeley's article in the current issue of ",.Veric.a 
Forestry" is i  t Is direction, bnt the recognitlon  od be 
more specific. 
       I h-ve no entre in the Society of L    ogists, 
buat I an wmrentin to Tr. Ya lter P. Taylor, ,ho is vnry active 
in thAs organization, that he considrer the matter. I -vi also 
takAnp, the matter ap -7ith O)vid3 Thitler, wh-o I think cn t 
prmmter and just as effective action an anybo y 1 iOw of. 
       I do not "mow how to advise yon about the 7urear of 
Fisheries offer mainly because I lack inti.ate acqriAintance with 
the Bur aul s in er woYos.    u no-, of course, my h'ih opinlon 
of the fýtture of your present worl, Whether the other wuld be 
better I have no 7Wa of 7owoing. I have hear,1 that the fishinp 
tarkle in!dutr- has started the rVAments of an Institute, but 
from second-hew' evidence I should    that their corprehensilon 
of their own nroblem is not ynt very 1 rge, 
                            Youirs sincerely, 
                                    ATJO 120?POLD 
                             In Charge, aume Survey