Department of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, 
                           University Museum, 
                                  Oxford.   9/9/31 
Mr.Aldo Leopold, 
Game Survey, 
404 University Ave.National Bank Building, 
Madison, Wisbonsin, U.S.A. 
Dear Leopold, 
              In returning here I found the volume 
 of your Game Survyg awaiting me. I wish at once to 
 congratulate you very heartily uon it: I wish I 
 had seen it before coming to the Conference. I was 
 in any case impressed by the work you desci-Abed there, 
 but had hardly grusped the scale on whicha you had 
 been doing it. I cannot imagine how you found out 
 such a lot in such a short time. 
              I cannot offer detailed impressions until 
 I have sttdied your report carefuliy. I see there is 
 a great deal I shall make use Df: in fact I regard it 
 as the first of the new regime of "cycles biology" 
 Dublications. I told Dr.Blair that a recent volume on 
 "The newer knowledge of bacteriology" had a2 contributors 
 and mentioned over 3000 author's names!' I believe this 
 branch of ecology will be in the same sad condition 
 within thirty or forty years. So we have a job now to 
 try and coordinate and work together as far as we can. 
              Ily Bureau lans are still uncertain until 
 the British budget is publisaed and its dire£ffects 
 have worked their way out.! The Canadian Govt. are probably 
 6oinS to pay me for a secretary for taree years, if they 
 do not go back on their promises. I will let you know 
 as soon as any definite organisation is planned. 
              Can I put you down as a subsotuber to the 
 JOURNIAL OF ANIIUAL ECOLOGY, when it appears in 1932 or 
 1933 ? I enclose a short note on its scope ? 
                 yours sincerely, 
                        C' ~-L~Z