forest thr will be cert.ai pr~mtions advisalaeg .wh as 1.avin        nnt*

trees   Jtgt   ~t isth  definition. of a yoost tft  in your state I d 
not  w. but 544A       8It be abl*Se to yo    It will be Wo esa to 
watch the poibilitis of 4disa    tramisukn by dAmt     trky 
           In the e,)ntrol of proeitars StMdJArf is .aian by a*11 soame ths

boot auhriy    both as to whst roos c*oatrol and 'howt. effect L t. 
           I a not uryri4    that you fIn mt of the foo4 trsst, .hb, 
aMshere ,lwe..   Indgns in you     prery. My       h is that yr ptob. 
lom w111 be not the Introdiwti~z of thou* pl.ato but their tenunfsn 
throug the skillful handling of your 1aa4. Just which ones are rtatl y is.

portent to a problem you will probably havs to figure out for yijurself ly

first hand observtio.a 
          Are all of you native ruffed gues, gone? Wove they or~iginll 
Indigenous on this FpawScular tin~t? This bird you will find mre ofa 
mystery thmanyw of the other spool.., parSticularly with repyeot to its q.rý

eli. flactAtiosns  Posibly I can tell you ab=t th*u as well a. aqbo 
ese.   If ymr bird are on   your beat 3our  of stock Is to Pisg    G 
Prsev but you my ha. to wait for a high point on the cycle before 
th  ea c g et you an. I md~ertand thitt ruffed etoua it appt.roahing 
hl~gh point t. that .ontqy now, so do not writ too low,,  4,riln Clinton

Smith can adiso eyu as to possible staok. 
           In respose to ya   jusetlin. as near a4 I kafw the Ascs'isla 
Aqutic Nursteries ave entirely reliable. Clyde B. Terrell of Oshkosh op 
orates a similar institntion nd oals In uandplants.        I think both of

Shoe. outfIts are jst gttin  stqrte4 in this field. 
          As to visitin you  trat, I cqnnat forsts 9 opeplfic )ppo% 
tun~ty bat I shall cortainly kspor it In .tai  And tis t'hIiw wo-ald Interest

  megre~tly. Co3z back at ms vith your questions after you haws read this

letter.  I a  edn    a coo~ if this to Ur. Mo~artI.bynd al so to Stoddard

          Is the         T          so a or izeda  f Ina dth    it 
could support ePa rese-rob w*r an the 3semleia tr-At? If to, its *pporý

tumity for useful service wo  be very CrýA   Tae tu~ys, for Insanet.

I do not  ow of a sin   fNpat of strie;    fao.findig w     wich bas 
boon don to lay a foudt ion for the tremsaously ixPortant Job of 
onseratio     N.othing to om about its Liseos, its foods Its uant 
aiwa les, Its nosting halbit%, or the other -,watias fnaetlt        aae 
-nent, Tn this coansotions I woul like So a*i *ant is the Pn.F-rst .eioatt-

-tic Iinstituti-in at which 1.,boratoqy service and soieatific ailvloe would
1obtskie4. If tbere s toay bs   of 4.5mg resesrelh work on y~ya  land I kow

t'hat my outfit would be interested In co~perattingl every way postibis,

AndA I    usgie thAt Mr. C£tlddn arl M. "d boT-i4ti~ n "rald,
fool "iht awn" wa 
with re&,d to the )iological Suvy   Your tract could be the proing 
gSwad on *hieb SW. CoastwvALkn 10p~aSte      of sstck     ould work out Its