Will you be out this way this winter? I certainly would 
welcome the opportunity to have you with us again, to talk things 
over. Can't you arrange it? Mrs. Gorsuch, whose interest in 
the work is intense, and who gives me all the assistsnce I have, 
would like very much to have you visit us, so if you cf~n, pack 
up and come. 
    Our weather has been quite severe this winter with many pec- 
uliar results. It has meant an influx of Cooper and Sharp-shin- 
ned hawks from surrounding states, and the higher rltitudes of 
southern Arizona that are hunting far below their usual altit- 
udes (here) and are reducing the quail at an alarming rate. 
    Cold weather has kept the Woodrats, Chipmonksetc., quite 
inactive, which leaves little for these hawks but quail and the 
Passerihe birds with the result that quail are paying quite a 
toll to these predators who are also becoming pests about the 
traps, and so retarding trapping operations. 
    Taylor recently returnk& from New Orleans, and Washington 
full of praise for Erringtons work. I regret very much that it 
was h'ot possible for me to get to New Orleans, but I could not 
leave the traps long enough to go. 
    It looks as though I shell be given my rh.D. status this 
coming semester. Wish me luck. 
    In addition to trapping I have just started on several pub- 
lications gs follows:I."The Gambel Quail" Its Life nistory. 
                     2."Tne Roaarunner" Its Relation to uawbel

                     3. vegetative X'actors in (ramuei Quai± 
                     4. i.e;tiag liauits ol: aamue± i 
                     ±,uio to  lj,- e  piribu~re  0± a.,L ot..ei±

worx I oaii xio-t agy jjuý,b- L-w,>te wi.L ui ea,4 ,~or puu.L~i1a,a-

ion; the last two perhaps not for some time, but I am pushing 
them as much as possible. 
     Will close now and get to other things, with the hope thht 
you can visit us in the near future. 
     With kindest regards, an0i best wishes for your continued 
success, I am, 
                                Ve   t   y   us 
                                15M ff(orsuc h