: Temperatures                   P Precipitation

Month:Meoz M1ax.:Meon    .: i.: Mean : Max.: jin.:N'o.dnys  Inches :No.days
                                            :Sub-zero:        " or more

Jan.":   32.8  : 12.0     : 22.4:  47 :. -7 :V   2    "       
Feb. :   40.3   : 11.1    : 25.7 : 49 : -5 :     9    :  .24   :     7 
Mat. :   54.5   : 26.8    : 40.2 : 69 : 14 :     0    :  .40   :     7 
        Due to the incoiTnleto nature of the records kept at rhite Creek,

 the mean figw;es are somewhat misleading, so they are not included in the

 table. Observations ..ere.. mao on d. .Qccas ions in January, 17 in February

*and-13- in March..    . ..-.  .. 
         Appnaiently te.peratuir.. Clo.ý  des  t.t influence the movements
 deer, unless' it.niy b.e thbe.   warmr t erea..res d..ing lat.e winter influ-

 ence the spring drif..to 1oV. rD4'ge    . 
            S   "      "    Forare. Util.izat'on 
 "Deer Pasture": 
         Thi6 area lies on the north side o  bit e Qreek, about 3/8 of a

 mile' above the nhite Creek .R. S. It contains., pprxir.ateiy sixteen acres,

 aýnd has a vegetativd cover of- about .5, densitW. having the following

 appr6xinmte composition: 
         Grasses and unimportant weeds.................. 60% 
         Bitterbrush                                      2.*.... ..5...
......... ....... . ..25 
         C!yso thn     y..us (gY) ...............    ...  17 
         Mounta-in nclhogany... . . .. "                   3%-"
-- .. . -. 
         0Forsellesia svinescens............................  .. 
         Sge .............................. ............ 
         Other unimportaný,t *browse species occur along the creek
 but have not been included in the compoosition of the rnpin body of vege-

         Utilization on this area was checked early in December by measure-

 ment of selected plants and an oculanr estimate of the whole. Use was 
 again estimated on J-nuary 28, at aýbout the time use began to increase.

 Further ex-aminations were made March 19, and April 5. 
         A total of 28 counts were rade at intervals throughout the period

 December 1 to April 1. A total of 385 deer days are recorded. Deer days

 were computed by using the count made on one date, until such time as 
 O.o opportunity hns been ci'forded to check definitely if this is the pro-

 per:naie for this plant. Specimens will be collected during the growing
