(irom 1. T. King)                                      fle: s. Ta, I 
                                                             R. Grouse 
        The destruc#tion of Bird~s by Telegsph Wires. The Amsrica 
        States *that m   hundred thousand birds are yearly killed by 
the telegrah,.  Gives an      t of a trip by horse-bk from Der to 
Ceyenne and obserations on birds killed alon   the tel      wires* 
Aisan, A. J.    (Morganto,   . Ya.)       1919 
        Buffed Grouse Scarce in West Virginia. Bird-lore, Vol. 21, No. 1,

Jan.-leb. 1919, p. 77. 
        "Bt a few years ago the Rffed Grouse was failry      n t   
the hill region of West Virginia.   it has bewoe so very scre in the 
last year or tw  is a mstery, but, nevertheless, it is true.* 
        'A party of 3, hunting squirrels for 3 days in the mountainous part

of Tucker County in September reports seeing but 2 grouse. Another par1W

of 3, hunting in the mountains of Webster and Randolph counties, 6 days in

Noverber, reports seeing 31 gose,   In both places there is an abundse 
of wtld grapes, gumterries, beech nts and other food for the birds. A 
few years ago grouse were plentiful in these se areas. Some humters 
killed a few grouse and it was notieed that all the birds killed were males.

0. hunter reported that he had hilled his quota of guse this year*.    ng

the 25 birds was kut one fmale, He had hunted over seeral ounties an 
noticed that there were very few birds this yeea. whereas he bad found t

plentiful last year. It was also noticed that practically all the bird 
killed were old birds. There sems to be a possibility that a large nber 
of grouse froze to death last winter. The fele birds might have perishAd

in this way thaseountin for more males than feales as well &S the few

u     birds this year.'1 
7ield, Dr. George W.        1907 
        The HeathR   - A Seth of a Bird now on the Verge of Exinction, 
Bird-lore, Vol. 9, 1o. 6, Nv.-De. 190T pp. 2         3 Photoe. 
        'This Grouse (called 'Hethesuby the natives) has been a well-m~ow

caracteristic bird of the island (Mrt's Vineyard) as far baek a 
mry or local tradition extends. Opinions are widely held that from ti 
to ti   western Pinnated Grouse or Pririe Hens have been liberated on t 
Island*. Creful inquiries indicate that the facts are as folews:  (1) 
in 1559 Dr. Pisher liberated uffed Grouse a    ail on the island, but no

western prairie chickrens; (2) In 1902 spectetnen of the Western Prairie