42  hanitr Buiding 
                                                  July ill 1929 
Mr. J. Paul MUler 
Wasahbten Stat. College 
Dea Er, Hilisr 
          I have just gottenaround to readin vour reor on NO 
White quil and gretly aprcate you        allown me th    privileg 
of seeing this uni-anblisbe  4.oewetj  It sounds like a very inter. 
esting    l proble  &a  it is too bad that a mor sarcin  stu4  of 
tbo quastiuon ca ot follow as the next stop. 
         I regtted     inability to get out your v. this e w, 
butI hope to have the privilege of     etin you wa I do gt th       l, 
   whih wllprobably bO next year. 
Should yu 
to have it 
I em returni  the  e     asuing that you vnt it bc 
be able to conveniently *pa me this cop I would 1li 
for my files and wou ptroteot it 3ainst pblication. 
Yours sincerely, 
    In~ Chare, GaeSuvy