H. H. MaoDonald' 
                                   40321 Travis St., 
                                   Dallas, Texas, 
                                   March 28, 1934# 
 Mr. Aide Leopold, 
 New Soils Building$ 
 Madison, Wisconsin. 
 Dear Mr. Leopold:- 
       I received the copy of your "Game Survey" which you 
 sent to me. As I am writing my manuscript and working about 
 twelve hours a day, I have only had the opportunity to open 
 the book here and there and I am delighted with what I find. 
 I am looking forward to many hours of pleasant associations 
 with this book as soon as I can complete my manuscript. 
       This."Game Survey" was the one I had in mind when I 
 suggested the exchange* I did not know that you had 
 written an additional book, "Game Management"- as indicated 
 by the prospectus you sent. This adds something more to 
 pleasurably look forward to. I can get a copy later from the 
 publishers. The University of Wisconsin has placed an order 
 for a copy of my book and I will send one to you in exchange 
 for the "Game Survey", when mine is available. 
      Your "Game Survey" book lays the proper foundation on 
which to build. As you say, game management would be simple 
when all the applicable factors are known and not before. 
The real work at present lies in-the isolation of those 
factors; and the correlation of these to each so that others; 
accepting them as facts upon which they may build; may obtain 
direct and favorable results. There are very few people at 
hand today who are able to make a productive game survey - 
for the reason that they are not game-minded. There is too 
little space here to give any evaluations but there are too 
many existing examples, resulting in nothing being done. 
      I think the Arms people, if future finances permit, 
 could do more than any other group toward bettering wild life 
 conditions throughout the country because they could get at the 
 situation froma a constructive angle not influenced by com- 
 mercialism; other than in producing more game. We are going 
 to get this game in proportion to the amount of field work we 
 put on it and no faster and we are going to get relief from 
 interests confliotional to wild life only through the educa- 
 tional results of the work of game investigators; results