March 5, 1931 
Mr. W. 0. Nagai 
Butler Apartments 
Columbia, Missouri 
Dear Mr. Nagll 
        This Institute has been until recently a contributor to the 
Clinton 3chool. About the only thing I caĆ½n add to -1hat you yourself

can glean from their prospectus is t1ht the course is mainly vocational 
or practical rather scientific, and that it covers principally arti- 
ficial p     ation. Wht I mean by vocational Is that the course tells 
a man what to do without going very deeply into the reasons for doing 
it. A graduate of the school is qualified to underta    the m         t 
of a game fPrm but hardly to aminister wild .m    resources on large 
       As to finances, the Clinton School maintainsP a stuent loan 
fnd which is designed to meet e-zatly your kind of a case. 
        I comnot give you any intelligent advice about going to Clinton 
without Imowing more about whit you are headed for. Mere wrds do not 
al-nys accurately describe these things. E'ven if you wish to become a 
scientific gae m      r it rould be an excellent asset to have taken 
the Clinton course, al thounh the course alone would not mnae you a 
game manaper. In my own case I wish I had the advanta-e of that kind 
of a course. 
        I can think of no other suggestlons which -Ould be of value to 
                                Yours sincerely, 
                                        ALDO UOPOLD 
                                   In Marge. Gene Survey