Several years ago a Dr. Jewell- wiýhth the eoolegr, Con- 
'uCte. a fish incutiation for thK     Gre a      h 
Do-prtnent This projeot idi not result uatiwfeetorIy 
b:ýt frienlI roeV ýinship bete n the Co loge ad the 
department wore -aInti-ned, 
     Clapp sta'te  that s e-tatl bioken a  soatter 
tArly well All over the stet, even in the easter. ipwtion. 
In eome seotions they re shouLn, a 11ittle ineorese, 
     Dua~'ngý theQ pavt  everal yee-rs, the da~tethas nr-ot- 
ially conontr     Is effrtws on the estr~lishant of a 
series of paxls end at:te les, eped  Tng   ch more in tis 
      tio t   for fish         In gems Z 19 5,00 1uail were 
roleased; In 19)9 3,000 more were im     edi a  rleaoeo, 
     1lopp believes tht the riLnec pheasnt wi- thrive 
Suffcintly in Xn     to mae     Vluable eontribIition 
to the, hun-izteorc b -,ý  He carsr they ar  dciý   we'll.
Co~uxty, Tlre thý oand Pheasm-nt were  la   ged unrng 19A 
and   700   1930i . 26.0000 eG  ere d"Itributed l.est Yer 
    Thm-.ýarins dI not seem to do well In K"anes.  ne 
hIunred rn(! three pair were imported1 nd rel coc  in varo 
seetions with preotierlly no re ults.       weani wre 
  nae in Boiir-,bon comntj (easte-rn pe.rt of tlet e); ItlIsr 
county, the Flint hills section, on an 108,000  ore. ranoh; 
FtI.,es Actiu!tI     xerirent   t1 t  an in the northwest- 
em sectlon of the state -l v-tion          !7#00ieay ,0 feet, 
hatched onoe then dlsapreawed llfeee 'od 
Protectionsi the sand' hi' Is am'! sa-,  braish action. no 
     The pollitic I  lt1ation In Keneas myi  feet our 
chicken Inveetijation plans. The  ibmatorinl ree has 
re ilted in prýatieall-ca   h ed hie , with the absentee 
ballots robably the deccing faetor and yet to be nointel. 
They -ill not be ount :T before neot ýwek nd the re-ults 
"Aill not b eerti'.'ied l De- I. A eent  ill. 
      be  or~ndo. ~ariqe wesT   A reountviil robbl