o-f the State-wide system of conservation and forest preserves and 
public recreation grounds progresses, and in such amounts as may be 
necessary to provide sufficient money to carry out the provisions 
of this Act, except that bonds for an amount in excess of one million 
four hundred thousand dollars shall not be issued and sold during any 
one year; PROVIDED HOWEVER, that the first sale of bonds shall not be 
made until there is a balance or surplus of at least seven hundred 
fifty thousand dollars in the conservation and public recreation fund. 
       Each bond shall be in the denomination of five hundred dollars 
($500.00), or some multiple thereof, ind shall be made payable with- 
in thirty years from date. The bonds shall be engraved and printed 
by the Department of Purchases and Construction, under the direction 
of the Governor and he-signed by the Governor and attested by the 
Secretary of State, under the seal of the State, and countersigned by 
the State Treasurer and by the Auditor of Public Accounts. The bonds 
shall be deposited, until sold, with the State Treasurer; and when 
sold, the proceeds shall be paid into the State treasury and become 
a part of the State bond conservation and public recreation fund, 
       6. In any year in which the current revenue or accumulated 
surplus is sufficient to make unnecessary the selling of all or any 
part of the bonds to be sold in that year, such bonds may be returned 
to the State treasury marked cancelled if an amount of such revenue 
or surplus equal to the amount of the bonds so cancelled is used for 
the purchase of land as provided in this Act. 
       7. The Department of Conservation shall have the care, control, 
 supervision and management of the State-wide system of conservation 
 and forest preserves and public recreation grounds, and its officers 
 and such of its employees as the director may designate, are vested 
 with police powers for the enforcement of the laws of the State and 
 the rules and regulations of the department. 
        8. The Department of Conservation, in addition to the other 
powers vested in it by this Act, is empowered: 
        1. To receive lands by donation or devise for the State-wide 
 system of conservation and forest oreservos and public recreation. 
        2. To make and enforce rules and regulations for the use, 
 care, improvement, control and administration of the State-wide sys- 
 tem of conservation and forest preserves and public recreation 
        3. To lay out, construct and maintain roads, trails, bridges, 
 camp sites, shelters, houses, and other reasonably necessary or con- 
 venient improvements. 
        9. All payments for land purchased or obligations incurred 
 under the provisions of this Act Shall be made by the State Treasurer 
 out of the State bond conservation and public recreation fund upon 
 warrants drawn by the Auditor of Public Accounts, based upon bills 
 of particulars and vouchers certified by the proper official of the 
 Department of Conservation having knowledge of the facts upon which 
 such vouchers are based, and audited and approved by the Director of 
 Conservation and approved by the Governor, acting through the De- 
 partment of Finance. 
        10. The Department of Conservation shall, on or before the 
 first day of February of each year, make a full report to the Gov- 
 ernor of all business transacted by the department in carrying out 
 the provisions of this Act during the year ending on the preceding 
 thirty-first day of December. The Governor may cause the books and 
 affairs of said department relating to the work provided for herein, 
 to be audited in each year. 
        11. The money in the conservation and public recreation fund 
 created by and under the provisions of "An Act to revise the law in

 relation to the conservation of fish, mussels, fro-s and turtles in 
 the State of Illinois, and to provide penalties for the violation 
 thereof and to repeal all Acts in conflict with this Act," approved

 June 30, 1923, as amended, and "An Act to revise the law in relation

 to the conservation of game, wild animals, wild fowls and birds in 
 the State of Illinois, and to provide penalties for the violation 
 thereof, and to repeal all Acts in conflict with this Act", approved

 June 30, 1923, as amended, shall first be appropriated and used for 
 the purpose of paying and discharging the principal and interest on 
 the bonded indebtedness, herein provided for, then due and payable. 
 Each year after this Act becomes fully operative and until all of 
 said bonds shall have become retired, there shall be included in and 
 added to the tax levied for State purposes, a direct annual tax for 
 such amount as shall be necessary and sufficient to pay the interest