Sept. 25, 1931 
Mir. S. B. Locke 
M. Yi. ReOmzo rd 
Ixeaa 'Ylton Lsapgu of knerica 
222 North _7aW ')rive 
Cico, Illinos 
Dear Locet* 
        It Is wecome news that the Izaa kWalton Leave Ixecatlve 
Corxittee is --pl-A into -sestiion w7ith yva.  I wIll anrewer yniur qrteietio-n

to the best of my -bility. 
        noere are certain cliqes or grups within the Lezgme, m bt as 
nearly as I can see thq ire not of  ich - na ture "s to h  ss the 
work of a technical director mtually -qed mon. 
        The ftt.hire finncia security of such a position as technical 
director would in my oplnion depend almost entirely on the quality 
of work done. In other words, I -a saying that the iiture existence 
of non-existence of the Izaak Walton Leaýae le-enls on their choie
a man for this position. A   ood mn will bring the Ler  e into contact 
with realitty ad so imnrove their pro.   tt thee i n       1    of that 
nrora- lack.iw   apport. On the other han  a poor man will -,ail to do 
this -od the L"ee wil, I am afraid, gradally loseA. 
        Another -.ia to -,ut It iz tha:t a soundl mach-.,inery for doW work

 is in existence, but there is no technical director to decide what 
 tha-t mcachinrery Shud  ý.B   counfl manchinery" I   7enX~.
ReýZclord and 
 the xecutive Cittee. I have the utrost confidence both In Reo3nr' s 
 character and ability, anl I have the uitnot confidence in the character

 of most of the menbers of the 7iecutive Qomittee. There Is, hwever, 
 not a siv-le aan in this admirable set--p with i technicrl iTeas. In 
 my opinion there is an extremely attractive opportunity. alt'hoigh a 
 somehat rislq one, In beiAg their technicl "1m. 
         ,li to strongest men on the -xemtive      ttee are 'Illou$by 
 Walling and W. J. P. Aberg. I think you can accept the trend of their 
 minds as the ult1,ate trend of the whole 
         Should t~his thing go thro-h It of coiure goes wlithout -Ay!Ing