8. miatton of oovey 
   9  Growth of ohlc' inoludinr %11, ilts wit, dAtes for one 
      year or their period of growth 
  10. Wetrhts of chtoks throughout Au1e 
  11. 1t e of brood, averane throughout slr (tables) 
  12. rex ratio (tableo) 
  13. Catohinr the youn. scae grouse 
       a., FItlt of   tohik (tables) 
  14. ?akin- piotures of younp sae orouse 
  15. Qomparicon of life htstory of se   rouose with the gabel 
      quail of &rtzona 
Dl.   ptal IV. f Gneral   ts 
   I. ao     bliefs concerning habits of sa 'e grouse, 
      proven false or tr 
   2. Oeneral intelltienoe of sage ,roupe 
   3. General hpbits of hens and rooster 
       a. ntily routine of hens and roosters and oovey (tables) 
          and r-nze of covey 
       b. -ooial life of faily md care of young 
       o. Oalls of hens, hiees, -nd rooster 
       d. F-od and water habits 
       e. BSped, flight, and description of flight (ntctures, 
       Z, speed of wal and run 
   4. Prototive resemblanoe and scent theory IPtitures) 
   5S      r feedtng grounds -or hens and ohioks and roosters 
   6, Roosting grounds (nictures) 
   7, Fall bunching 
        a. Adv ntageS