Mr. A. L. 
is practically identical to what I have been driving on for at least 
ten years. The new agreement between the Forest Service and Bureau. goes

a long ways towards making this effective. 
        I wish we could start some upland game bird work, especially 
with sage hens under the McSweeney-McNary research. Hope to see an ante-

lope sanctuary develop in Idaho. The addition of some marginal lands there

to the Lemhi Forest will be practically all that is needed. 
     When do you expect to come West? We are to have a game conference 
Yellowstone Park, probably July 18 and 19, of federal agencies interested

wild-life conservation and states and sportsmen from adjoining territory.

        I have assumed that you would attend the neeting of the Society of

Mammalogists and if you think it worth while, believe they should be interest-

ed in being informed of the public land relationship to wild life. 
                              Very sincerely yours, 
                                               Associate Biologist. 
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