by Eduardo W. Villa 
    One could well say that the history of the State of 
 Sonora had its begining with the coming of the Spaniards 
 since no daia on its previous hisory can be obtained for 
    The first white men to exlpore what is now Sonora 
 were: Alva Nufiez Cabeza de Vaca, Andres Dorantes de 
 Carranza, Alfonso del Castillo Maldonado, and a colored 
 man, Estavanacio. These men were the sole survivors of 
 the Panfilo de Naravez disaster which occured in Flo- 
 rida in the year 1528. 
    A Spanish conquistador named Diego Martinez de 
 Hurdaide placed Sonora Indian tribes under the crown 
 of Spain in 1625. 
    Sonora has not always been so-called, or had its pre. 
sent dimens;ons. At the begining of the Spanish con- 
quest ii was known as NUEVA ANDALUCIA, later 
changing to Pimeria Alta, Pimeria Baja and Ostimuri, 
this last corresponding to the strip of land between the 
Mayo and Yaqui 'rivers. 
    The name Sonora proper has been widely discussed 
as to its origin. The most probable explanation is that 
it is the mispronunciation of the word "senora" by the 
    During the Spanish domain, up to the year 1734, 
this territory was governed by a Alcalde Mayor with 
with government 'seats in San Juan de Haigame and San 
Juan Bautista. Both weire mining iowns which awe now 
    In the same year don Manuel Bernal Huildrobo was 
name first governor and established his residence first 
in San Felipe de Sinaloa, later moving to San Miguel de 
Harcaitas. After him, the next governors were Don 
                  (Cont. on page 7)            5