15321 Unvrsity Avmni 
                                                July 10# 1937 
Dr. C1&vence Gotte 
Bureau of Biologiae4 Suazrvq 
Wahington, D. 0. 
Dear Oottsmi 
          eh attached letter to HaraWl explains vhat     s 
Vy mind when I wrto you about the Missi set-p. I finally 
decided I was in no position to make a direct oriticism, but 
4.oted to simply raise th  question of whether the Foret Service 
ha been loing head in its Miso      i plans. I fany they have 
been so buvy with detail as to be uwcoelaous of what the have 
done to the Irish Wildernoss. 
          I am rotieve to hear that Vou are staring with the 
turky problem in the O=s. Wy basis for asing was this, The 
Technical omittee of the Institzte is keeping a line on the 
adeqacy of the rewerch p     a for deelining speates, and 
this is certpAnly one of them. As lon as we have the asmwanae 
that the Survey is punhing the qaestiou, we have nothing to do 
but wish you good luck. 
          I &   ndine, you letter and oopy of this on* to 
Herbert Stoddart, 
                               Yours, sincerely, 
                                      Aldo Leopold 
*                              Praessor of Oame Manacoment 