Sept. V1. 1931 
1r Harrson F. Lewis 
34 aovenor Av     * 
Ottawa Coaada 
Dear Lewist 
        I haave jmat had an opportunity to reAd your papr. "Tte 
Philosopy of Wil  Life Cnseration." I can best dscribe my 
sion of it by statig tt I have jat      -r.itte th  end of rV last 
chante in 'Game Mt so %K to refer to it. 
        I had an Inquiry from W. Gard Conidia abmt the po~s-Abl 
        R   t -w is of emurse a poor time for        rm to mA a e has e 
because f1nanoial conl1itions have greatly depressed all new activities.

I am   t een s     thrt the Inetitute will contime my own work. It 
Is Interesting to reflact, by the way tht the mi-mort of conservp 
tion activities still dopes on th   wefare of the v  e   s  ic work 
mstly in a contrary direction. 
        o m     a line oecagionally, aM esoeitally keep me Informed on 
opening  tat you ret ira_  of. I wil1, of eourse, write you if I 
her athin new.      I   at this m    t is looking for a m  to ma   a 
game sury. The Institate is offerin    to cooperate, but the Iowa 
people are so far inclined to han b    beemse of the hig cost, 
                               Tours sincerely$ 
                                       ALDO Y07L 
                                  In Charge. GameSurre