ec. r, P130 
"Mr. arl. A. 1?r 
  1. I.  u jont de  errz  Co. 
Seat tie, Yashington 
Dew Earl: 
             !'y ulins for uresentin th   idea on whic  you  ired 
fle on T7ov~nber g miscarried by reason of edington s absence f~m 
the Conference, an my inability to attend the a dvisory coni~sttee s 
meetin.    ýAdington s moth.r  iied, so he -T  absent from all tie

meetings. 1Howeer, sine the Jeattle bd and (ha (fub took the 
matter itp wlth the Biological ure dirct, I asume it   as acted 
11,on. I 0n r aid I fell dow  on y   in t'ls natter. bt if there 
is an~ything< I can do consistently at this late 4ate, let se how that

it is. 
             '!7jor 7.aller ver  thotvhtally sent re a srt direst of 
you~r recent reports, in which I notice the following: 
        "At a meeting of the I-Ahitmn County -   e irotective   aocation

  a comete reort was made ,nd it deeloved as one of the interestln 
  fe. tures that the coopertion of t he State Gollee of Yauligt~on 
  indicted that the local cuty asociation is obtin            a lot of 
  valuable assistance in bird rari      aL fIsh wor-,   Ach thie other 
  counties are not getting. Bird~s are being raisel by the field systn 
  at not over -7 cents a bird.' 
             SI    y lw  intensely intere~ted in any infona~tion on ie 
costs per bird of witd poducton.   If you hae a re1ort whichO ives 
an   w sort of infons tion on costs, I wuld a-reci7te the -ivileie of 
realrn it.   I could reurn i.t after extra        the desired fires. 
             I missed you at the &ie Conference. 
             I am exceedingly sorry that I~effinrxell's wiccessor has 
branched off on pely     demic subjects. 
                                       Yors sincerely, 
                                               ALY) IOJ OL 
                                           In Gharige, G~ine Suarvc