Lake improvement werk on the following laIes in Sawyer County is reported

.by State and Federal lalm Improvement Agencies. 
takes imporoved   Section Town and Range Structures built and Placed 
                                           BR    ST  B3     M 
  Snmith           ... 5 ... .li 9It W-      1 !  55       100.... 
  L.stL0,     -                14 .6w-      126 -OO        000 
  *Windf a-l          28: :70                     so 
  1Grin.stOn97 ..Iw.                              -..         .147 
  Whitefish           22       39N 11. ,   -. 
-. :..m  rry         14 . . . . - - 39N1" ..- 19":... ":g
  &i Ss abngama,               A1T 9W-       9   "35,6 
      _ .  ;:.::; : ... -21:- -  9N9W : .. ' : 40-: 19a  . .. .. 
  Hayward             27       'i 9W         140  206 
     """tSho rowuget whb     a.d.r  ., f ,urher .fo~a0on.:,
On- a...-. and. 
  ST4 Sapling tangles  the     i i m over..ntL .. ..w.k - ."- d '-ih
 T o  r. Ott   "'- . 
    aD.. cs: payfnihg boioeg  Bering ipB: i o.9gy fiv e,1prmn  fCn 
  s I ~o.huded-y~ears of~in ervat ion,oCap ito Building., M...dr.isn Witensinh
 l. - 
    0.b We. tho.i'it beC'.s , h  adwito 
  L~iberty went with, the le~id: t~eva'laslbry. 
  itis only now we getw woRdering,.  . 
  Nor that the land~s bhdu.,*Tepeople IofĂ˝ 
  We woiider-whotherF the dre~of.Aeridan- libert -4~C)~TYaere 
  Wa tw hiundred years ,of -pine .axid bardwoodi *-giigter1n       n 
  ; And thre generations Qf the'gr's.              their freedom.  . 
  And the.gonarationo. are.up; th9,y.ars 
  We *ondor if the liberty-is done. 
  ThPe dremn4n is finished,..... 
      Quotation from-NO    _'* l by .Gibld Mac Leish.