E. G. PETERSON, PRESIDENT 
                                         LOGAN. UTAH 
DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND RANGE           August 25, 1930 
                 Mr. Aldo Leopold, 
                 421 Chemistry Building, 
                 Madison, Wisconsin. 
                 Dear Mr. Leopold: 
                               We were greatly pleased to receive your 
                  letter of August 20th and to know that we have your 
                  full sympathy in the developments for a better under- 
                  standing of game problems in this state. 
                               You may be sure that we will write the 
                  University of Arizona for information and will also 
                  take this matter up with Mr. 2. B. Locke of the Inter-

                  mountain Experiment Station., 
                               In accordance with your wishes we will 
                  include in addition to the plan of work a statement 
                  as to what the University, game department, and the 
                  sportsmen are ready to do to help out in this project.

                  Your suggestion that we consider a survey of game 
                  conditions in Utah is of course the right step as it 
              I   will bring out the research problem which should be 
                  worked on first. We would be glad to see the unpublish-

                  ed state survey that you mention and if you have any 
                  other information you could give us I know it would be

                  a great aid. 
                                           Sincerely yours, 
                                           T. G. Taylor, 
                                           Professor of Forestry