l       mh. first ha to do wtthwtesing ruse (o 
   "Pumce"as it is locally saaled) fraa tilo 4,ie  He, finds thatv

quail like ailo maige, althou*i they apparently meter weed seeds 
If obtainable. The refse from threshing ts   mtiis spr"ad upon 
the filds to prevent wind eosion of the soil. He finds that o 
melt. rapidly from the dark rentse and that quail flook to the spot 
to foed,  !hile se* work needs to be done on the woed control 
aespet of this Praotice. wind blowig of soil is so lars a   oblem 
in the Tuoumeari section tbat the praot ice would eam to have 
aicultural justification. It oarteinly is warth fllowing u'p. 
       The sesond 'ýAasurs relates to cover. 3ocae titus ago mx. 
Burnbaa,       -ip. f the ý¶3tation, had several dead tree. out
down end 
instead of burning them uap or aiting them into wood, he had them 
hauled out about a half jils tri the buiIdinp for ew cover. 
Ila and Russell1 report that the tops were frwj tmnte4 by 54.1.4e -sail 
in the winter and s,,ing and I personall saw an ageretion of 
prob>ably four or five broods of young %,oaled tial11, totalling over

sixWY individuals, using the brus-h for shade and shielter lIn July, 
habbito also make a good deal of use of the dead trees, The 
oaawity with which this cove      d          and utilized by 
.3oaled ~uail# and the elmost ytar-round tise :iade of it, "uggests

the p*esibility of valu~able oxperiiý4.nts with various cover oa~bina-

GenralCoauens.The New ~axico ;aalad ,uaUl Investigation is at a 
conzsiderabl disadantai,, in being more or loes out or contact 
with othar workers in gmae researc.h 2-m literature an~d personal 
correspondenoe with other £nvestigators will be of assistane in 
othis handicap. 
       The Investition is suprted finenciaslly by tih  Newv t'xi o 
0mwe Comission, and is administeed by the !!niveorsity. The funds 
  aever~ limited, however, (    .100O anmnually?') and the work must 
beores,)ndnl modest. In my opinion the Now L"ý'xioo Inv'estign

tion .*rite any finennsal .uppr  that outside apracise Interested 
In resrhwork osan extend, 