April 9, 1935 
Professor Aldo Leopold 
University of Wisconsin 
Madison, Wisconsin. 
Dear Professor Leopold: 
          In the course of making a short note on wild- 
life preservation in the United States for the July 
number of the Geographical Review the question naturally 
arose as to whether we ought not to have an article on 
the subject of wild-life preservation. I spoke to 
Mr. Bowman about it and asked if he knew anything about 
your qualifications for a contribution thereon. He 
shouted "The very man :" 
          The article might take a variety of forms, and 
indeed there is scope for more than one article. I have 
thought of a discussion on broad lines drawing examples 
from as many parts of the world as possible, say from 
the Kruger National Park, so admirably described in 
1. Stevenson-Hamilton's "The Low-Veld: Its Wild Life 
and Its People," to the new National Park of Juan 
Fernandez Island. The publications of the American Com- 
mittee for International Wild Life Protection would be 
useful in this respect. Mr. Stefansson has given us a 
review of that (No. 5) on the status of the muskox. 
          I cannot refrain from commenting on the delight- 
ful decorations of "Game Management," a copy of which has 
just been received by our library. Particularly enchanting 
are the insouciant ducks of the title page ! 
          You will be interested in Mr. Joerg's paper 
"Geography and National Land Planning" in the April number 
of the Geographical Review, a copy of which goes to you 
under separate cover. 
                        Sincerely yours, 
                                            1d iitrn 