±ieginu, Suskatahewan

                                            March 1    9 3 4 
Mr Aldo Leopold 
My Dear Mr Leopold: 
        Salutations and greetings from Sapke tchewan. 
        I am preparing a paper for a group interested in Natural History

"Around the World with 13irdl' and am asking two or three Oruithologists
Jature Lovers from each country to contribute a personal bird experience

and trust I may have one from you, Would like very much if I could get each

one typed or written in the author's language so that they could be mounted

upon a section of Beaver Board 4' X 10' with the map of the world in the
and lines running from each letter to the position in the universe from 
whence they oame.This I am sure would be very interesting not only to our

members but all students and former country-men of yours living in our midst.

        I leave to your own judgment what your " Experience " will
be as 
anything you may have to say will be very much appreciated by the Nature

Students living here gpon the praivies of Saskatchewan. If each author would

give a brief autobiography of himself it wzould add vastly to the interest.

        Should,by any chance,you find yourself unable to comply with the

above would you be so kind as to hand this on to a Bird Lover of your 
acquaintance as I am anxious that your part 6f the world be represented.

        May the good work you have done and are doing long continue. Thaik-

ing you for your kindnees,consideration and attention and wishing you and

yours , Peace, Health and Prosperity, I am 
Yours sincerely 