     Number of boating registrations in the county - 1962: 
          1. Motor                         1,249 
          2. Sail                             3 
     Over 63 per cent of Rusk County's land area is in forest cover. This

amounts. to 360,980 acres in commercial forest land and a 1,320-acre river

wilderness strip set aside from timber production along the Flambeau River

within the Flambeau River State Forest. 
     Of the commercial forest land, about 72 per cent is privately owned.

Farmers own 202,780 acres and 55,950 acres are in other private holdings.

     The county government owns over 25 per cent (92,290 acres) of this 
land with the remaining 2.7 per cent (9,960 acres) in state ownership. 
     Rusk County has no state parks or national forest recreation areas 
within its boundary. 
     Where pines were once the predominant trees, there are now primarily

aspen, maple, and basswood. The swamplands contain mostly swamp hardwoods,

balsam fir and tamarack. 
Hunting and Fishing Lands: 
     Rusk County has six public hunting and fishing areas totaling 2,338

acres. These areas range from open lakes and marshes to timbered uplands.

Other public hunting and fishing areas in the county are 85,000 acres of

forest croplands and approximately 30,000 acres of industrial forest lands

for a total of about 137,338 acres. Hunting species range from the woodcock

to deer and bear, and the sport itself is a major recreation activity as

shown by the number of hunting licenses sold in the county in 1962. 
          1. Resident small game                672 
          2. Resident deer                    1,668 
          3. Voluntary Sportsmen's            1,152 
          4. Trapping                            20 
          5. Trap tans                        3,617 
County Recreation Areas: 
     Rusk County has three park or forest recreation areas and one group

camp administered on a county level; six areas for fish ,id wildlife manage-

ment under state administration; four city and township parks and 21 public

access areas to the major lakes and streams under city, county or state 
management. Four waysides are located along the major highways and three