     The primary concern of this report is the recreational development of

county forest croplands of Rusk County, as authorized under Wisconsin 
Public Law 616A, 1961, Chapter 427 - Section 8. These areas, as much as 
possible, should be related to existing recreation faciJ Aies and plans for

future recreational development throughout the entire county and thus 
provide a more comprehensive county-wide recreational development program.

     Ideally, a study of this sort should include a detailed comprehensive

study of land uses, economic base, population growth, traffic, education,

industry, and all aspects of life within the county to provide a sound body

of knowledge upon which a comprehensive recreation development program for

the entire county could be based. 
     This study will give an overview of the recreation potential of the

county, a review of the existing facilities, and suggestions for future 
development to make the most of the recreation potential. 
     A detailed study of the county would provide a more comprehensive 
body of knowledge which would allow each community within the county to 
realize its role in the overall recreation potential of the county and to

develop its resources to meet these needs. There are many professional 
planners qualified to undertake such projects. Federal funds are avail- 
able, under Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954, to help finance 
comprehensive planning.